STS-Summer I

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

SEX - chapter 10

tehehe sex!

Okay, now that I have that out of my system... This chapter is my favorite chapter thus far. Not only did it raise questions I never even thought of before, it proposed logical answers. (On a side note, I also enjoyed Mr. Sumner's writing style.) I have to agree with every part of this chapter. So here was his question, even though Neandertals looked awful, "why didn't we have nookie with these guys? Face it, people will shag anything." Oh yes, I have to agree on the last part. But besides people's poor judgment, it is still a good question. As he explained, it wasn't for lack of interaction or desire, it was because, as he proposes, that the species had two completely "different reproductive strategies." But I have to add something that you might find disturbing. Have you ever heard of furies? (ewww... but if you seriously have not heard about it, google it because I'm not explaining it.) So its obvious crazy stuff happens, and you still don't think that somewhere, a human really wanted to get it on with a Neandertal? I donno... even with the evidence, I am still not entirely convinced that they didn't at least try. And I thank God that they didn't succeed. (wow... rule 34!! As nasty and as hard as it is to imagine, I’m sure it’s been done.)


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