STS-Summer I

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Chapter 17 - Hello Doomsday, My Old Friend

My first thought upon seeing the title was "hear we go again, another end of the world chapter".  But to my surprise it began my geology, had a slight digression into the end of the world, and then ended on a positive note.

I finally agree with the author.  I don't think the world will collapse as has been described.  However, I do believe that we will suffer many small losses that we will recover from, and not one huge, catastrophic event.  I think we'll have another market collapse.  I think we will reach and go through the breaking point with oil.  But I believe that we will come out better on the other side. 

The author also raises many valid points about the abuses of our environment.   So much so, that I must say I'm definitely encouraged to help in whatever way I can to protect our environment.  We definitely have to get our heads out of the sand and first admit there's a problem.  Then, do something about it.  I will.


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