STS-Summer I

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Discussion Question #2

1. What is the difference between our environment and ourselves?
The difference between our environment and ourselves is a fine line. Recently, the environment (or so we are told) has been on a downward spiral toward global warming. Humanity has been on a downward spiral as well. I say this lovingly, but have you ever gone into Wal-Mart and seen children that made you say, "And that's why I'm not having kids." Just like the need for making changes to better the environment, I think there are changes that need to be made within the school systems and communities to better future generations. Just a few of the problems include obesity, violence, and education.

2. How does technology relate to the boundary?
Technology is, arguably, one of the factors that have caused so many of our problems. Too many people sitting at home watching TV, too many people playing violent video games... we have heard it all. But technology also holds the solution. Technology is great for education! It has brought students and faculty together like never before (online classes are lots of work, but fun!). The wii fitness game is trying to bring about changes on that end as well.

3. Does or can science/technology change that boundary, or change our perception of it?
Yes. Science and technology have greatly changed their perception of the environment already. Space travel! Landing on the moon! These are major events that have rocked history and changed how people think of future possibilities.


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