STS-Summer I

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dr. Strangelove

Although this movie is older, and a little corny at times (i.e. - The glove covered Alien hand), there is no way you cannot compare this movie to the state of events today.  Outside of the movies idiosyncrasies, the message resonates loud and clear:  The result our weaponry, in the wrong hands, can have on our survival as a species.  

In our class discussion, we spoke about a few weapons that have been created today, that are in essence just as scary as the "Doomsday Device".  And although General Ripper is a little over the top for me, I can't say that there aren't people today who are just as twisted.  Although this is a work of fiction, its scary to think of the fragile state of our world when looking at the weaponry we have to destroy it.  

So this leads us to the proverbial rock and hard place.  Should everyone get rid of those weapons, and rid ourselves of the possibility of a globally catastrophic attack?  But if we do that, countries will be defenseless against attack?  So, what's the solution?  I would say that we must continue to ensure that these weapons are never used, but we can't get rid of them, for our own safety.


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