STS-Summer I

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pastor Dan -chapter 4

Pastor Dan is a really interesting person from what i can tell. He has been able to question creation while remaining strong in his faith. I think it was really interesting how he pointed out that "we were created to know love." This statement is so simple, yet really hit me. In all of this war, disaster, and global warming, there is still love?

"how is it that we can discover and further the uses of science for the benefit of all, including the 'creation' of which we are charged to be stewards?"
This is a really hard question. I can not even attempt to answer it since it goes way beyond the scope of my knowledge. There is already a lot research and development going into helping the environment... but then he goes on another important point; the "misuses of science." Meaning, there is far too much money and resources wasted on trivial luxuries that, in the end, mean little to nothing. When I traveled to Europe last fall, I took only one backpack and a normal size purse. I was gone for 4 months. Needless to say, I learned to live with out a lot of stuff I had here in the states. I did without the fancy razor, shampoo (hotel samples rock) and makeup. I took only a few changes of clothes and two pairs of shoes. I had plenty; I can't image traveling with more (European railroad stations are hard to maneuver with lots of luggage). After anyone has challenged themselves to live down from their normal standards, it makes you really think about what you take advantage off on a daily basis. It seemed like what Pastor Dan was saying is that the priorities for research and development are a little out of wack. Sure, its great to have luxury, but we can do with what we have for now, lets put more of the resources into discovering better technology for the environment.


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