STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Pastor Dan

I thought this article brought up some very intriguing points. Yes I am a Christian and believe all that good stuff and no I do not believe we randomly popped out of nowhere and became living beings, however I am not so blinded as to say that everything is cut and dry. The Bible may or may not be literal or figuritive. I believe it is both. I mean, most of Jesus' teachings were in parabols (stories made up to teach a lesson) so who's to say everything else is fact. Both sides of the religioun-science argument have agreed that we started from nothing and became something better by some kind of guidance it seems. This would seem to prove what Kant was saying by universalities of rationality and there is something out there that is beyond our comprehension that brings us to fullest potential. But it is still up to us to reach that potential and do what is best for the world.


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