STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Chapter 4 - A Word from Pastor Dan

The idea that I liked most from this article was the importance of pushing yourself further to come up with new ideas, even if they won’t be readily accepted. I really do think that’s an important concept, especially in the application of science. Think of all the great scientists, Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, Darwin, and so many others whose ideas have shaped the way that the world is today. All of these people pushed themselves and used logical reasoning to come up with ideas that have essentially changed the way we view the world.

The ideas of most of these men weren’t readily accepted by the general public or the church. Their ideas were so controversial and radical that many took offense. But without their ideas, without them pushing themselves farther than anyone else had dared to go, the world would not be the way it is today. We would still believe the universe revolved around the earth, we would not have the modern telescope to learn about the world around us, we would not know about gravity or the laws of motion.

Now, I can definitely understand how it’s uncomfortable to think about or accept an idea that challenges your faith, but I think it’s important to gain as much knowledge as humanly possible so that you can make a logical and informed decision about what you believe. In this way, I can see how reason is just as important as faith is. Science and religion can coexist, if they are given the chance.


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