STS-Summer I

Monday, May 26, 2008

Technology- Positive or Negative?

To me, science represents the epitome of human knowledge, knowledge that can be proven through experimentation and data to be true. They say knowledge is power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So, it is with science. Humans take their knowledge and use it in a practical sense, ideally to improve their lives, creating new technology. However, because humans have the capacity for evil, so do many of our creations.

Technology has enabled humans to enjoy longer and more fulfilling lives. Today, the average human lives longer than ever because of advances in food production, health and medicine, law enforcement, and hygiene. For instance, food is no longer as scarce as it once was due to our ability to effectively irrigate and genetically modify and grow foods. Healthcare has also come a long way. Not only can we cure many diseases but we can often detect them in their early stages. Childbirth has also been eased by modern medicine. A distressed baby can now be delivered through a cesarean section, possibly saving the life of both it and the mother. All of these things lead to an increase in the human life span. There are other technologies that have increased the quality of life. For example, humans no longer have to toil in the sun all day, watering and taking care of crops. Today, we have wells and city water, sprinklers, tractors, and many other innovations to help us with these tasks. Technologies, such as the telephone or computer, help to keep us in touch with other people, no matter how far away they may be. We can even visit friends and family that are far away by using a car, train, plane, or boat.

However, all technology does not exert a positive influence in our lives. With the good can come negative consequences. For instances, the car seems like a good invention. It's convenient and allows us to go places we could have never gone before. Unfortunately, it has also led humans to exercise less and less, leading to obesity and disease. Another negative consequence can be seen through the telephone and email. While these things can be used to connect people, they can also prevent us from simply speaking to someone in person. For instance, if this class was not offered online, would I not be sitting in a classroom right now? Then, there are some technologies that just seem innately bad, such as the machine gun, a weapon that can kill people more people, with greater ease than before. How can this be a good invention? A basic gun could be used for hunting. Why would a gun with the ability to keep firing in rapid succession be necessary if not to take human lives?

In my life, technology has been a boon. If it were not for technology, I would likely be dead or at least crippled. I have had 24 stitches in my hand that may have prevented me from bleeding to death or dying from infection. I have had a tumor removed from my thyroid that may have continued growing to unknown sizes, blocking my airway. I have had a knee surgery which allowed me to maintain full motion and the ability to walk and run. (I'm slightly accident prone.) On a lesser scale, technology such as the computer and the Internet have allowed me access to information that has allowed me to be knowledgeable and improved the effectiveness of my education. I also find it quite enjoyable to watch movies or television or to have the time to read a good book.

The negatives of technology for me lie in my own laziness. It is so easy to stay inside on a pretty day and watch tv, rather than go outside and get some exercise and sun. Laziness leads to boredom, weight gain, and possibly depression, all of which take away from my quality of life.

Thus, technology is what humans make of it. It can be life saving or life taking. It is all in how we opt to use it.


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