STS-Summer I

Monday, May 26, 2008

Chapter 1 Response- The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Chapter One of Kosmos: You are Here was a great introduction to science and its roles and limitations in society. I felt that this article gave me a good background on the definition of science. After reading, I would define science as knowledge gained based on experimentation and data, rather than unproven guesswork. I thought the most important information conveyed by this chapter was, however, on the limitations of science and technology. Limitations on science can be as simple as constraints on time and money necessary to acquire background information on subjects or as complex as interference in experimentation by religion or government. Science is often subject to human corruption and sometimes mere incorrect conclusions.

The only point on which I disagree with Steven Darksyde is his view on Intelligent Design. While Intelligent Design is clearly not a part of science as it involves the supernatural and can't be proven, I do not believe that its proponents are always in opposition with science. In fact, many scientists are Christians as well and do not all disbelieve the theory of Evolution. Likewise, I think he is clearly biased against this point of view and allows himself to get on a bit of a soap box, talking for approximately a page about one specific company when there are many organizations, movements, and indeed governments that are standing in the way of science in a much greater way.


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