STS-Summer I

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chapter 12 - Shattered Skies

This chapter was extremely interesting to me.  It was extremely interesting to see how necessity, money, and survival instincts all contributed to amazing innovations and inventions throughout our history.  But what was even more interesting was to see how each innovation and invention spawned the need for more and more innovations and inventions.  But with each new invention and innovation comes a responsibility to the environment.  I must agree with the writer that we need to educate ourselves about the effects that new technology has on our environment, and actively pursue solutions as needed.

That said, I must admit that I don't feel the "sky is falling" urgency that the writer does.  And maybe that's because I'm not informed enough to have a legitimate opinion on the subject.  But he is absolutely right in surmising that we need to be more environmentally conscience.


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