STS-Summer I

Monday, May 26, 2008


The positives and negatives of technology to society. Hmm.. The positives include better living, easier tasks, longer lives, and better communication. The negative to that is the decrease in human contact. Why make new friends when W.O.W. has live players? The best way that anyone has tried to describe technology, I believe, is Daft Punk. Their music video of "Technologic" is not only really cool, but shows how technology is affecting our culture. A lot of people can not function with out a cell phone or internet.

Personally, I can not function with out technology. As an architecture student, I realize that most all architects rely heavily on computer programs for drawings and models and less and less on what they can produce by hand. This is good because of the really interesting architecture that is being produced around the world which would have been impossible to imagine without this technology. For example Daniel Libeskind. On the other hand, when they network and computer crashes, time and money is waisted because the project can not move forward without that darn thing.

Check out Daft Punk's music video:
More about Daniel Libeskind:

Sorry this is late, I was having internet problems... haha 5.26.08


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