STS-Summer I

Monday, June 25, 2007

Class Discussion Question 6/11/07

There are many dangers of science and technology differentials, the most obvious of which were highlighted in Dr. Strangelove. On a more realistic scale(or tangible scale), the dangers of differentials in science and technology between regions includes warfare but on a more everyday level it effects medical care, nutrition available, and communication. The US is a very technology rich country. We have acces to some of the best advances in modern medicine, which you have unlimited access to for the right price and have necessary access to regardless of ability to pay. Science has extended our life expectancies and made giving birth safer thus increasing our population. Both science and technology have allowed us to determine what foods are healthiest and to genetically engineer foods when crops are destroyed or limited due to poor growing conditions. We have the ability to opnely and instantly communicate with anyone aorund the world through the computer or a phone. Other nations have primitive access to medicine and rely soley on the kindness of prgrams such as Doctors without Borders and the Red Cross. Mortality rates are higher due to disease, dangerous conditions, and lack of basic needs. Starvation is a problem because if crops fail, there is no way to supplment food needs. Communication can take days because technology is not available in the most remote regions of the world. These differentials result in many ethical debates about how reasonable it is to pursue 'unnatural' things and also about how immoral it is to have resources and information available and not to make it available to the rest of the world. It also results in fear. We know how much power and information we have but what if somebody else has more? Underdeveloped countries fear we will use our information in negative ways as well. Technology and science are powerful resources that carry signficant responsibility to manage in a way that is universally beneficial to avoid unnecessary fear or worse actions.


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