STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Chapter 18

It is always interesting reading about the Big Bang Theory, at least for me. Growing up I was always amazed at the vastness of the universe and how small we are within the grander scheme of things. What sometimes amazes me more is how someone is able to calculate and discover so much about the universe. Reading this article by Darksyde opened my eyes to a lot of things I wasn't aware of, especially concerning the more scientific explanations behind many celestial discoveries. I also really enjoy how Darksyde is able to take a natural phenomenon like rainbows and then break down the complicated topic of optics and microwaves to help us non-scientific people gain a better grasp on the importance and degrees of genius involved. Understanding an ever expanding universe and making such a subject interesting in important in relation to other themes that have been discusses throughout the book "Kosmos." It is the attempt at reaching out to others in a way they can understand and use in their life that I find refreshing and important. This links up directly with our weblog question of why don't we as a society keep up with science and technology more than we do. It is because, for the most part, there is too much many of us to wrap our heads around. Yet, when you are able to break it down to its essentials and present it in a modern way accessible to the many instead of the few, it creates a need to know more. In essence, it is a big bang of knowledge. There has to first be that spark to initiate the longing for expansion.


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