STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I have to go on record by saying that I was (and still am) a big fan of the Firefly series and absolutely loved the film Serenity. Anyway, what was interesting about watching it this time through is some of the issues I picked up on this time around that I missed simply watching the film for entertainment before. Population control is, obviously, a major issue of the film but I never looked too deeply into it outside of the small civilizations being built throughout the many worlds of the film. The film seems to make some interesting commentary on both the pros and cons of what our current civilization on Earth is doing in terms of resources. The film also makes some interesting commentary on the very real and scary aspect of governmental population control. This is seen through the projects taking place on the people to help in controlling aggression and anger. What ultimately happens is the complete collapse of identity and what makes us human, creating the reverse effect of a Utopian society and the creatures that threaten to destroy the human race. In other words, when you attempt to control the uncontrollable aspects of nature, you may inadvertently create the monster that you were originally trying to contain. The ending of the film seems to lend some optimism toward the human spirit and how, no matter the odds, if we band together for the sake of change that we can ultimately prevail over whatever may threaten our existence.


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