STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Extra Credit

The world is progressively populating, but it is not a crisis, yet. Diseases and many other deaths occur keeping the population from spinning totally out of control. According to, the world’s population of approximately 6 billion will turn into 12 billion by the year 2054. If this proves true, there are several scenarios I propose we do in the near future.
In order to keep the world from over population, I would propose we use areas of the world that are currently not being used. Places that are protected such as the Grand Canyon, Yellow Stone National Park, etc. could be used. Another option that comes to mind are rain forests. These areas would need to be a last resort for purposes such as oxygen in-take. The world has vast areas that are not at all populated for various reasons. Places that are not populated because our bodies simply could not survive, such as the Antarctic would need to be explored and researched on how we could possibly survive in these places.
My part in this would be to write scientists to encourage them to explore and research uninhabited areas of the world for people to populate and survive. I would also offer to help in this research and be trained to explore the unknown.
People could even build house boats and live on the ocean full time. We could create communities in different regions of the oceans. The world’s population would expand to all areas of the world with no boundaries.


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