STS-Summer I

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dr. Strangelove

The film Dr. Stranglove was an an interesting acocunt of what could happen if proper safeguards were not in place around new technology. The idea that the world could be destroyed as we know it because of the misuse of technology, in this case warfare technology, in one decision by one person is unsettling to say the least. I was amused at the minimal role the title character played throughout the film and couldn't understand why it was titled after him until the end of the movie when it was his idea that was going to allow humanity to survive. The part of the movie that struck me as most unrealistic but also the most detrimental is that the general who went "funny in the head" was the only individual with the correct access code. It seems that in reality, though access would and should be limited, it would be a code that at least two if not a small group of people owuld have access to if only to prevent similar measure (this made the disclaimer at the beginning of the film appreciable). On the same lines, how could one person be able to prompt nuclear warfare with one order. It seems that, as indicated in one of the scenes in the war room, the plan showed great planfulness for the technology to wage war with severe oversight on the security of the implementation of the plan. The greatest strengths (trust in leadership, technology) became the greatest weakness because the power of technology was overlooked or not respected.


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