STS-Summer I

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Chapter 4

In “A Note from Pastor Dan”, he mentions that Kant had a hard time trusting the Bible because it was contradictory and had too much room for error. Kant thought we should use reason and external resources above looking into the soul for answers. That is what science and technology is all about. Empirical evidence is what produces the real truths. Some people believe they don’t need religion to guide their lives. They are much more satisfied with answers that can be proven and don’t rely on faith. Everyone wonders where we come from and why are we here, as Pastor Dan noted, but some want to find out with cold hard facts. They look for things that can be proven.
Sometimes science is misused and to comment on what Berry said in class, it is sad that we spend so much money on things that seem so simple. His seatbelt/airbag example was pretty good. I don’t think I have ever heard of an airbag doing the trick, it’s usually the seatbelt. Also airbags pose more problems, such as burns and broken noses. We should focus our money and research on things that are critical so we don’t waist millions of dollars. Millions of dollars are spent on looking for cancer cures. What infuriates me is doctors and pharmacy’s are paid way too much to let a cancer cure be widely available to the public. Science needs to become an asset, not a huge lobbying for money campaign.


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