STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Final Paper Proposal


Influence of celebrities in the media on going green.

Central Point/Thesis

When it comes to the treatment of global warming in the personal lives of Hollywood activists and what they say in the media (television, magazines, tabloids, websites), there is no greater venue to get the message out: Humans are causing global warming, and the effects are devastating.

Outline of Arguments

Although celebrities are more than happy to talk the talk, there's only a few big players who walk the walk when it comes to reducing their overall carbon footprint because of their luxurious lifestyles.

Many in Hollywood and in the music industry are making global warming activism another “it” thing to be a part of.



I will be making a film.


Sorry I'm just now posting this. I was traveling (with a 7 and 8 year old) all day yesterday and had a 6 hour layover which I planned to use to post my proposal. When I got to the Detroit airport they tried to charge me for the wireless internet so I opted to post this when I made it to DC (which was late yesterday evening). By the time I made it to Virginia I couldn't stay awake :( nor could the kids (thank goodness). Anyway, here's my proposal and again, I'm sorry.


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