STS-Summer I

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kosmos Chapter 16

This article basically played out a Matrix or Terminator type scenario where the machines eventually become smarter than the humans. Yes computers could help solve our energy crisis. Perhaps they can even solve the problem or mortality. But death is not something that should be completely shunned. Not to sound like a religous nut or anything (because I'm not) but most people believe in a God and some type of heaven. If heaven is supposed to be so perfect why would we want to eternally block ourselves out? We can all agree that the Earth is not super duper and our lives have much room for improvement. So if offered a chance for the perfect life, even though it is an afterlife, why would we turn it down? I want to live as long as I can just like the next person but I think our mortality is a driving factor in everything we do. We work even harder knowing that we want to retire and enjoy life before we die. We want to make as much money to live happily before we die. We want to live a good life before we die. We want to make amends for past mistakes and failures before we die. Knowing that death is certain only makes us live to our true potential. To take away the one certainty we have would make the human race bland.


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