STS-Summer I

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Dr. Stranglove is a classic as far as strange movies are concerned. This movie is a hilarious representation of the very real fears from the Cold War. The movie is set during the height of tension between the US and Russia. An out of control officer starts a chain of events that ends in the Russian's doomsday device being set off, completely accidentally because no one knew about it.

The technology in this movie is hardly futuristic or unimaginable; in fact, it is all out of date. Duh, because this is history, not science fiction. The doomsday device could have happened, people feared that such a thing could be built. A device like that would hold the world in black mail for their own lives. The radio equipment on the only plain that got through to it's target was blown out due to a self destruct mechanism when the plain was damaged. The radio transmitter was pretty basic, everything came in a series of 6 letters and numbers that were decoded using a manual. If that equipment was more reliable, the message would have gotten through to the plain to turn around and then the doomsday device would have never been set off. Of course, none of that would have happened if the orders were never sent out in the first place.

Again, this is just a movie. Let us hope that tension between countries and powers never reach a level like it did during the cold war. The last thing anyone wants on this green earth is for life to stop existing.


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