STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Chapter 15

Well, to say that I was depressed after reading this article is a bit of an understatement. It's not merely the fact that there are scientists somewhere in the world using the old Chicken Little notion of "the sky is falling" that upset me. I've heard that probably a thousand times in my lifetime. It's hard to go a week in this day and time and not here those deafening claims of scientists that we're all going to die. Well, tell me something I don't know.

No, the thing that upset me about this article was that, it seems to actually be happening. Given, I've learned in my three years as a science major to believe about twenty-five percent of what you read in scientific articles because, most of the time, it's nothing more than theory. However, I feel like I'm almost living in the pages of chapter 15. The gas prices are way up, not news to anyone I hope. Airplane tickets are outrageous due to the high price of fuel and the delivery trucks are nearly being run out of businesses because they can't afford to drive those eighteen wheelers each and every day.

It seems that this article may actually be on to something. Now, I understand that the end of the world is probably something that neither I nor my great great great grandchildren will likely see. I am not fearing for my life because, truth is, I'll probably be dead in about sixty or so years. However, just the fact that we may actually be seeing the world slowly ending is extremely scary. It's more than just listening to Bill Nye the Science Guy say "hey kids, if you don't recycle you'll see the world just as the dinosaurs did before they all disappeared." It's actually observing this going on around us.

No wonder gas prices are so ridiculously high. We live in a world that basically runs off of "cheap oil" as the article puts it. Should we actually run out of it or can no longer afford it, our world is in a heap of trouble.


At 9:40 AM, Blogger T. F. said...

The good news, though, is that there are alternatives. We *will* run out of oil, but there are many different scenarios as to how the end of cheap oil will play out.


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