STS-Summer I

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Technology and My Life

Technology has had a very profound effect upon my life. I think about how in college every day is run by the numerous emails I receive. It is the main source of communication between my teachers, my outside activities, and myself. I do not keep a planner or calendar, but by checking my emails I am able to keep on task with my different commitments. The internet has become my main source of news and current events. My phone has become my main source of contact information between friends. I have not read a book for enjoyment in so long I cannot even remember. I simply wait for the movie to come out.

The negative aspect of technology for me is easy to observe. I struggle to write letters anymore, especially thank you notes. I am scared that the letter may be lost in the mail or something bad might happen if it is not received almost instantaneously. If my phone dies or I lose it how can I contact people? Cell phones make it so convenient to pull up a number that I no longer practice remembering them. If my internet is down I do not know what is going on in the world or even my own life because I cannot access information in less than one minute. I have become too dependent on the convenient technologies around me.

However, technology has not been all bad for me. Without my car I would be riding a bike or walking over 20 miles a day (I won't even get into the gas discussion right now). Without my phone or email I would not be able to communicate as efficiently. As we say in Economics, with perfect information both parties will be able to come up with the most efficient solution. All technology has done is made information easier to access and give people a chance to make the most with what they know.


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