STS-Summer I

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Science and Technology

When I think of the effects that science and technology have on society, I find myself looking at the overall big picture. I don't compare the effects of one aspect of technology or science because, in the end, every creation that has been an outcome of science and technology has its own power. Some of these powers are good and some of these powers are not so good. When I think of the effects that science and technology have on society, I see the lack of personal experiences and a movement toward a more mechanical society that lacks interest and motivation.

In today's world everything has been improved. What used to be written on paper is now printed off of a computer, what use to be grown in our own back yards is now only a shopping trip down the road. These vast improvements to our everyday life can be credited to the improvement in our science and thinking, which therefore created new technology that simplifies our everyday tasks. These new technologies have taken away many of life's challenges. I feel like the improved technology that we have today has lessen the importance of many of the values we once had. Hard work and motivation use to be a high value but has slowly disappeared. The hard work we used to put into our jobs, has now been taken over by machines. I think these changes in science and technology have lessen the value on many life's lessons.

Science and technology has also turned our society into more of an individual race instead of a team game. The improvements in our technology, such as internet or cell phones, have lessen the close and personal relationships that we all once had. Instead of trying to keep close ties with our loved ones, we now send them an occasional e-card to say "Happy Birthday". What once used to be such a family based country, has now turned into one who keeps in touch through a text message. In my opinion, I think science and technology has overall hurt our society in a personal sense. We now lack hardworking values that we once had and also have lost a personal touch.

Even though in my opinion science and technology has mostly hurt our society, there is always a silver lining. The improvements in our science and technology have increased our understanding of many of life's magical mysteries. We have come close to curing many deadly diseases and have learned to create things that keep our lives safe. These improvements have increased our thinking and have helped to make our society better at understanding many of life's challenges.

Personally, I suffer from mostly negative effects of science and technology. I am quick to lose touch with close friends and only rely on small internet messeges or cell phone texts to keep in touch. I find it easier to reject an invitation from a friend when it is over a message, not face to face. It is also easier to hide from the outside world when you are alone and only rely on technology to relay your messages. In a positive sense, I have benefited from science and technology many times. In today's world, a cell phone can be the difference between life and death. In many cases, my cell phone has been a tool to contact family members or friends in times of need when personal contact is unattainable. In both cases, science and technology has changed today's world vastly. Without science and technology we might not all be here today, but without it we all might be closer.


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