STS-Summer I

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chapter 2: Shattered Skies

There were parts of this article that made me laugh, and there were parts that went over my head. But I appreciated the message of the essay, no matter how much science crept into the reading.

Darksyde describes the development of science and technology over the years, leading up to the essential question at the heart of his essay: why does warm soda bubble more than cold? In order to do so, he discusses the ways in which Western nations took developments in science and technology as catalysts for mischief, all in the name of "enlightenment." The equating of kings to Mafia bosses made me laugh, considering how even the oldest royal lines have to stretch back to a duplicitous founder who was no more worthy of "divine right" than the next guy.

All of Darksyde's examples lead finally to the discussion of CFCs and greenhouse gases, which threaten to undo the protective ozone layer that protects us from harmful UV rays. CFCs were brought under control through a concentrated effort between business and government to benefit the people. Darksyde shows that no such alturism exists in the souls of the government or business people dealing with the greenhouse gas problems. They're in it for the money, and they don't give a damn about the planet. I suppose someone should remind them that you can't take it with you, no matter how many conglomerates you own.

It's a bit of a downer, but it's reality: greenhouse gases left unchecked could deprive us of the one thing keeping us all from looking like George Hamilton after one too many trips to the tanning salon. And so far, there doesn't seem to be much concern on the part of the government (in the back pocket of gas-producing companies) to change that outcome. Definitely something to consider when you are trying to decide who to vote for in November.


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