STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Last Ramp Off Before Armageddon

Sadly, I can see some of what Kurzweil's claims mean in this chapter. We are only going to continue to become more and more technologically advanced, so it makes sense that we may one day face another one of the hunter-farmer transitions. It's really scary to think about; the fact that we could one day have robots and computers that could think as well as humans. I also don't agree with the fact that Kurzweil thinks none of us have to die unless we want to. I feel like the human race will eventually kill itself off if computers are doing all of our tasks, just because of the sole fact the we will have nothing to do. I do hope that something like this doesn't happen, but it really seems like a possibility with some of the stuff that comes out today.


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