STS-Summer I

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Class Question

When looking at this question I found it hard to truly differentiate between the two. Ultimately, science and technology are really one in the same. Without the science to formulate the ideas it would have been difficult throughout the years for us to apply the science through technology. One continually has a hand in the other. Now, in saying that, the means of creating a new and possibly devastating form of technology can wind up out of the hands of science completely. Just look at the cuckoos leading some of the countries around the world (including ours). That is where the technology could become more dangerous than the science itself. Sure, the science behind the technology is dangerous, but it is in some sense a natural thing. It is the people that take that science and pervert it in some way, naturalize it in a way that it should not be is when the differences between science and technology become painfully real and dangerous.


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