STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Have/Have nots differential

I think that the differential issue stuff shows up a lot in that G-8 summit debate thing. All the countries involved are in agreement with the fact that pollution emmissions need to be cut down for the good of our atmosphere and yet they can't agree on how to do it, mostly because of the technological differentials. Delevoped nations like the US only want to cut back if the still developing nations cut back just as much. And on the other side of the ring you get the developing nations crying that that's not far, after all the US was cutting back when we were booming and growing into powerful HAVEs. It becomes this big fight over who cuts back first, the haves or the have nots that are trying to become haves. And the haves tell the have nots basically "Do as I say, not as I did" while the have nots cry out that that's not far and that they want to be able to trash the environment for the sake of iPods and Nike Sneakers too. It' s big mess; both sides claim to care about the environment, but both sides are still just following the money and trying to keep up good P.R.


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