STS-Summer I

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Class Question 3

Our connection with technology is, I believe, leading us more toward war than peace. After saying this, I do believe that we are at that crucial crossroads of being able to use technology for the betterment of humanity or turn left on to the road to a nuclear meltdown. Which one will we go down? I don't know but with the continuous views I am presented with in articles and through the media I would say that I feel the technomobile hinting left. Not only do we presently have hints of nuclear uneasiness with North Korea and Iran, but we have also painted ourselves into a nice little corner of a possible sequel to the Cold War. Not only do we as a nation need an overhaul image wise, but all of humanity needs a clean slate to build upon. Still, there is an inherent need within us all to push forward, take one step further than the other and always be on the defensive when it comes to new technological breakthroughs, especially concerning weapons technology. Because of this fact alone I feel like our relationship with technology is about as doomed as that last blind date you went on...great build up but in the end a major let down (or in humanities case, a major meltdown).


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