STS-Summer I

Thursday, May 24, 2007

continuum between purely natural and entirely technological

On a continuum between purely natural and entirely technological, I would place myself at about an 8, by no fault of my own. I state this because since the dawn of civilization, the purpose of human existence on earth has in some way, shape, or form been to advance the way we live. Historically referencing, the first species of human is not directly identifiable because of archeological discussion, yet more or less the first people were very primitive. Since then the invention of simple hunting tools has progressed to the development of nuclear warheads, the wheel has advanced to $100,000 automobiles, and the pictographs on cave walls has advanced to communication methods through various media. Even today, I feel that society would almost cease to exist without electricity, even though at some point producing a fire from flint was breakthrough. Without technology, travel would be on foot, not to mention that voyages across oceans would be a very difficult endeavor. I think that my birth was the only thing purely natural since the time I was born, because I have enjoyed the comforts of cars, appliances, technological advances, and don’t know what it is to not have any of those material possessions. To think that I could live without these amenities is irrational because the species of human has become progressively less immune, while growing mentally sharper, and to a sense the beauty of innovation is that it is human genius expressed. Because I am taught what it is already known until this point, it is instinct to try and take that a step further, to examine the situation and make things easier. I think that the more time we have on earth, the direction we as people on earth are heading is towards 10, yet never reaching that exact number because there really is no end. It would be of no surprise if 100 years from now there were cars flying on highways through space from Earth to other planets, premeditated births according to genetic specifications, and general advancements that shatter our view of morality. Nowadays it feels like the emphasis of staying up to par has become eminent to a point where even our individual thought processes are being partially sacrificed to the media, teachings of conformity, and societal scrutiny, almost to a point where years from now human existence may not be any different than that of machines. Is that good or bad? That’s why I said I am at about an 8, because I certainly appreciate and participate in the ease of living that we enjoy, at the same time always try to maintain what perspective I can.


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