STS-Summer I

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Weekly Question

The Question of Human overpopulation is a very basic question. The world on average is only producing enough offspring to have a replacement population. I do not mean that there is no growth but in the larger countries, there is either a set limit to the number of children or advantages to only having a smaller number of children. It is estimate in London that the popualation will stop increasing in the year 2027. This is called zero growth. This is when the mortality rate matches the birth rate. There are many countries that have a very high birth rate, but these are mainly the undeveloped countries. These countries tend to be still having problems with widespread famine and disease, and will most likely level out due to mortality level first, then their birth rate will slow and health will improve throughout.

The question of how will we solve our population problem seems to be by giving suggestion to the number of births and just sitting back. The population growth in the US is within the recommended level without any enforcement of the birth level. As technology increases and people are wanting more, nature is taking over and less children are desired in each family. In the past, a large family was nessacary in order to farm and ranch, now technology has filled that need. Small families are the new world make up and population growth will slow down and the mortaliy rate will eventually equal it. The earth is our home and will most likely remain it as long as it can substain all of are needs.


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