STS-Summer I

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Chapter 12 Kosmos

The depletion of the ozone layer has the potential to raise our temperature on earth causing the oceans to emit Carbon Dioxide which can then raise our ocean’s temperature even more causing a “Great Dying”. For political reasons, our government isn’t taking the steps to enforce regulations for people on the planet to reduce our energy consumption that is depleting our ozone layer. Has America gone too far? Americans consume more energy than any other country in the world. We are also the most comfortable, free, rich in opportunity, people in the world.
Advocates of Global Warming should be taking measures to show Americans what we can do to save our world. If they are right, they need to stop talking about it and start doing something about it. If it means giving up our luxuries, no one, not even the advocates will possibly be willing to give up these luxuries of life and then maybe everyone will know the true effects of Global Warming. After all, things must be proven scientifically to be true. Even if it becomes too late, we will at least all know that Global Warming is real.


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