STS-Summer I

Monday, May 28, 2007

Class Question Response #1

On a continuum, where 1 is purely natural, and 10 is entirely technological, where do you place your life? I think I’d have to place myself somewhere around a 6 or a 7, because technology is something I had to utilize from the beginning. I was born premature and underweight and I lived in an incubator for the first six weeks of my life. Doctors said I was supposed to have brain damage and other problems, but I turned out just fine because of medical technology. The only lingering effects of my birth were having asthma as a child (It went away around age 14) and my eyesight went bad a couple of years later. Then again, that is just another example of modern technology- contacts and eyeglasses that allow people with poor eyesight to life normal lives. I also had a couple more surgeries throughout my adolescence, and another to correct a hernia. I would be in pretty bad shape without technology. I am also a frequent user of the computer, email, internet, television, cell phones, and other things that involve technology.
I feel like most people in today’s world have to be somewhat technological because everyone utilizes resources around them that involve it. In the years to come, there will continue to be greater advances in technology that will make our lives easier. I think that nobody is purely natural or technological, but I would be willing to bet that most of us fall somewhere in the middle of that continuum.


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