STS-Summer I

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Weekly Question Number 1

I think that on a scale of technology from 1-10 I would rank myself a 8. I spend the majority of most days using some sort of technology, and almost everything indoors is touched by technology somehow. The only time I ever really feel like I am surrounded by nature is when im out hiking in the middle of the woods. I spend at least an hour everyday on my computer or watching tv, or even both. I talk on a cellphone at least a few times a day, and rely on an alarm clock to wake me up. Whenever I get something to eat I get it our of a refridgerator and cook it in a microwave. A lot of the time when im outside im still listening to my ipod or talking on the phone.
If someone were to come in tommorow and take away every aspect of my life that involved technology I would be completely bewildered and adrift. I wouldnt be able to shower, or know what time it is. I wouldnt have any food or a way to get around. I think that people rely on technology a lot more then they think most of the time, and that the only way to really test how in tune you are with nature is to see who would survive if all technology was taken away from us.
-Allie Murray


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