STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 22, 2006


While the crew was at Moranda, they discovered a message left by a woman disclosing the secret of why millions of people died on her planet. From the recording, the crew of Serenity found that the people who had once lived there had been exposed to a gas that was to emitted into the air to keep them calm and to "weed out aggression" amoung the people. In result, the pack worked a little to well, in attempts to make their society "better" they killed everyone except for those ten percent who had the extreme opposite affect. When back at the station, Nick is talking to the crew trying to decide what to do with there new found knowledge. Nick is anxious to get the word out, of what has been hidden by the Parliment for 12 years. If he can let people know of what has happened, maybe he can stop it from happening again; stop those who are in control from trying to make people "better".
This idea of one's inability to try to control people, make them your ideal, is one that people need to remember. Too many times in history have people tried to conform the people around them into what they want. From Nazi Germany to today with the situation in Iraq, this is continuly happening in the world around us. Not only do we need to be aware of the fact that controling people should be discouraged, but also the environment. With all of the technological advances we are experiencing today, people are constantly trying to make life better without truly knowing the consequences of their actions. A widely disputed topic that is argued today is the use of GMOs. By genetically altering foods and animals around us, scientists are trying to make foods that are more productive and healthy for us to consume. Although there may not be strong evidence of what happens to our bodies and the environment now, we have no idea what impact they will have in the years to come. I wonder if there should ever be a limit on the advancements of technology or if certain things should just be left alone to their natural states. Probably not, but how are we to avoid such catastrophies as the one revealed in the secret of Moranda. What happened on Moranda is a great example of just what could happen if people are not more cautious about what they are doing with their technologies.


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