STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 22, 2006


This movie is a blast into the future with life being different from what we experience today. I believe that one day we will be able to make a trip into space as a fun trip like they are trying to do in the present. I guess that since this is centuries from now, our technology is well developed and advanced. I think this movie could be a playground for our imagination because we wonder if life will be similar to the way it is portrayed in the movie. Since space is enormous, I think it would be hard to control with a government and laws. This is how life is in the movie, because of groups like the Alliance starting trouble, and because there's no reason for everything to be compacted in one space since outer spaces has ample amount of room to live and move around. I pray that life is not this way in the future, although I won't have anything to worry about because most likely, I won't live to see the age of 550!


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