STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I really enjoyed Serenity. I grew up a big fan of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood and I was really pleased how they were able to integrate elements of the Wild West with a Science fiction movie. I also used to love the original Star Wars which also had a little of the Wild West theme as personified by Han Solo. I thought this movie tied in very well with our previous discussions on the neutrality of science and technology. It also really tied in well with my paper on I am Legend. A chemical is used to help (cure cancer in I am Legend and pacify aggression in Serenity) but something goes terribly wrong and people become cannibals. It is hard to feel complete anger toward the Alliance as they had the right intentions. Therefore, do we let them off the hook or do we crucify them for the end result? It is a hard question to answer as I do not think you can do either one fully. It is a very grey situation and should not be looked at in black and white. It is also good to note the disillusionment of the Operative. He blindly followed orders for the Alliance believing everything was for a higher and better cause. However, he found in the end the error of his belief. This can be reminiscent of any kind of fanatical following. The join to be a part of something better and lose sight of what is truly right.


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