STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapter 18

I can't begin to pretend that I understand what this article was about, it lost me so many times that I finally had to scan the last few paragraphs just to get something worth commenting on for this blog. I think it's about the Big Bang theory, right?

I will say that, growing up in a Southern Baptist household, I would've been taught to reject such a notion. God created everything, so the story goes, and it came about precisely as He intended, with no prep time in the Big Lab in the Sky. One look around at our world and how it's changed over the past century at least would give you reason enough to think otherwise. I'm still not sure what I believe in terms of God vs. Evolution (or even if I believe the two are incompatible), but I think evolution is the best theory we've got.

Face it: change is the only constant. Whether you believe in a just, all-knowing God or not, you can't be ignorant of the fact that some things are native to a region of the world and some are native to another region. It's not that God couldn't have created everything perfectly as is; he may just have taken the dinosaurs for a test drive, realized that he had goofed, and sent an asteroid to erase the evidence.

I'm not comfortable with dogmatic statements on either side of the creation/evolution debate, because sound bites reduce complex issues to catchy...sound bites (couldn't think of a better word there). It's just as true in scientific debates as it is in politics.

Again, I had a hard time with this one, so my apologies if I'm way off the mark of the article's intent.


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