A Modest Proposal
This was always one of my favorite reads in high school. Yes I am a practicing cannibal and yes I think overpopulation is a problem that should be addressed. Win win right? I'm only joking about the first. The great thing about Swift's proposal is his methods. He uses very good arguments to support his idea and you almost feel overly inclined to agree with him despite how barbaric it may seem. His use of sustained irony is incredible and makes this satire one of the best in the English language.
Overpopulation has become a growing concern. Land is getting less and people are exponentially increasing. It is hard to come up with a perfect solution that will work for all cultures. You could suggest birth control but Catholics do not practice it. Abortion is taboo and most people consider China's one child rule absurd. So maybe we can find a way to deep fry a baby and then I'll be on board with Swift...
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