STS-Summer I

Monday, June 23, 2008

Chapter 18 response

I found this article to be really confusing and difficult to understand, although I’m pretty sure my aversion for science had something to do with that. The one thing I did get from this article was how absolutely amazing science can be. The pictures in the article showing the nebulae were breathtaking and left me in awe of what can be found in the universe. I can’t always wrap my head around scientific ideas, but I do appreciate all the truly remarkable things science has done for us.

I like the idea that you can believe in the Big Bang Theory and still have faith. Where is it written that science and religious are opposing things? Why must we choose in believing one or the other? I agree with the author of this article that the things science shows us, such as the nebulae, are definitely inspirational and can be seen as a testament to the glory of God.


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