STS-Summer I

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Discussion Question

Is there a solution to the overpopulation issue?

Well first we have to determine if there is an issue of overpopulation.  Looking at the National Census Bureau's statistics, the Earth's population in 1960 was 3.04 billion, and in 2000 6.08 billion, effectively doubling the Earth's population in 40 years.  The Earth can only effective sustain a finite number of people.  And some scientists think we have passed this threshold. So, this is definitely a problem!

What do we do now?

So now that we believe there is an overpopulation issue, what's the next step?  Many scientist believe that with changes in culture, deadly diseases, and war, the population growth is slowing. Some scientists have surmised that the growth of the homosexual community is nature's way of correcting the population issue.  Some scientist also believe that the vast array of deadly diseases is nature's way of correcting the population issue.  I staunchly disagree with those sentiments just by looking at the census.  And even if those scientist were correct, I'd rather not wait until some cataclysmic disease attacks our world and wipes out a third of the population.  I think there are several options we can explore to deal with overpopulation now.

Space is considered the next logical step for man's expansion.  However, I think we haven't explored all of our options here on Earth.  I believe the ocean is definitely a place we can explore.  In several science fiction movies (Star Wars, The Abyss), we've seen underwater communities thriving.  I think this is a viable option for expansion, however there are several problems with this idea.

One problem is the idea of destroying underwater ecosystems.  Another problem is the idea when mass is added to water, the water level rises.  With water levels rising too high, flooding on land happens.  These our two legitimate concerns, however I believe that with research and effort, solutions are definitely available.

What can I do?

These ideas for population expansion are huge and you might be wondering what you can do.  Well, simply donating money towards research on this topic can greatly benefit the planet.  It's an easy way to contribute, without having a huge burden placed on you.  Another idea is to simply raise awareness about this issue.  This is a huge issue, but it's not a priority for most people.  Let's help make it a priority by raising awareness.  Tell your friends, family, coworkers, and so on. 


At 4:21 AM, Blogger Dave Gardner said...

Thanks for initiating such an important conversation. I'll add my two cents by stating I don't believe looking for new places to expand the population is a solution at all. It reduces the human race to little more than a parasite. Yesterday's technological fixes tend to be today's problems.

Often the simplest solution is the best. And it is so simple just to reduce our numbers. Granted, cultural, religious and economic considerations actually DO complicate this, but these pale in comparison to the complexities of trying to find technological miracles to allow us to keep expanding the human race.

Dave Gardner
Hooked on Growth: Our Misguided Quest for Prosperity


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