STS-Summer I

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dr. Strangelove

I found this movie really odd and had some trouble following it at times. One thing that did strike me about this movie was the complete break down of communication in the military. The power to order these nuclear strikes was given to one man and his subordinates could not question it at all. I guess this is partly a comment on blindly following one person and not question their motives or their sources at all. It is very dangerous when you have such a major action, like dropping nuclear bombs on another country, taking place and no one is really able to communicate with each other.

Another thing I noticed with this movie was the escalation factor in weapon building. Both Russia and America wanted to have to most advanced and destructive weapons in case warfare broke out. This resulted in the creation of the Doomsday Device which destroyed all life on earth. This showed me that there has to be responsibility in science and technology. Scientists have to use common sense and restraint with their discipline. If research shows that something they’ve spent a great deal of time and money on is dangerous or will not benefit society in any way, scientists need to step away from the project, no matter how difficult that may be. It is important that science and technology works to benefit society and not destroy it.


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