STS-Summer I

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Chapter 15 - Playing Chicken with the Apocalypse

I agree with the writer of this chapter that we have passed the breaking point when it comes to oil and cheap energy.  I also agree that with the degradation of the energy system, life will continue to change.  One of the founding cornerstones of many aspects of our lives is our energy system.  It influences so much of our lives.  Just in my life I've had to rearrange how I conduct business, ride public transportation, and schedule trips differently to accommodate the higher gas prices.  However I don't agree that this will be the "end of the world".  

Maybe I'm naive, but I'd like to think that we will find a way.  I'd like to think that that sentiment is part of the American culture, if not part of the human spirit.  The old quote "necessity is the mother of invention" could not be truer.  And I believe that with the diminishing of our current energy system will arrise a better, cleaner, cheaper, and more reliable energy source.  Maybe it's wishful thinking.  Or maybe, just maybe, I'm right.


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