STS-Summer I

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Environment and Ourselves- Discussion 2

Our environment is that which is external to our bodies. Generally, when someone mentions the environment they are referring to natural externalities rather than man made objects such as furniture or carpet. Most people are referring to the atmosphere, grass, water, etc when they speak of the environment. Right now, I am sitting in my bedroom. That is my environment, made up of wood, bricks, carpet, furniture, and air among other things. The commonality between self and environment is the effect that we have on one another. Outside, humans have had many negative effects on the environment. We have created holes in our ozone, depleted natural resources, etc. Our environments effect us to. When the weather is cold and gloomy in the winter, many people experience seasonal depression. However, when the weather is warm and pleasant, people are happier and more active in general.

The primary boundary between self and environment is the effects we have on one another. Technology is the main way in which humans have an effect on the environment. Through inventions such as coolants as evidenced in “Shattered Skies,” we have created lasting damage to our ozone layer. Through creations such as the atom bomb, we have scorched the earth and destroyed life. Technology is the way in which we create effects.

Often, humans are so swept up in our own petty economics and politics that we overlook the big picture when it comes to our environment. After all, we need gasoline for our cars; does it really matter if we are polluting the earth when compared to getting to work on time? Sometimes, our perception is blurred. With science, we learn that this damage does matter, and it will have an effect, if not on us then on our children or grandchildren. With new technologies, we can choose whether to prevent or undo these effects or whether to create new ones.


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