STS-Summer I

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Revised Proposal 1


Issues of HIV/AIDS epidemic in literature (websites, articles, reports).

Proposed Thesis/Central Point

The internet has played a substantial role in combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic because knowledge is power. The fact that the internet has made it possible for HIV/AIDS literature (websites, articles, reports) to reach the masses with relative ease has provided millions with the knowledge that change is possible and the knowledge that the power for change lies in their being informed.

Outline of Argument

According to the agenda setting theory, due to constant exposure, people begin to prioritize the same issues and therefore, although they aren’t being told exactly what to think, they are inspired to think about the pandemic and the impact it is having on the rest of the world.

The media is helping with the awareness and prevention of HIV/AIDS because although it may not be giving all the facts that go along with the effort, it is still making people start to ponder the ‘what if?’

There are more and more campaigns on the rise each year to promote the health of those affected by HIV/AIDS, infected by HIV/AIDS, or possible candidates for infection by HIV/AIDS.


Children on the brink. (2002). June 5, 2008, from .

You can help (2002). June 5, 2008, from <>.

Brewer, M. and McCombs, M. (1996). Setting the community agenda. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 73, 7-16.

Holbrook, T.M. (2002). Presidential campaigns and the knowledge gap. Political Communication, 19, 437-454.

Shaw, D., Martin, S. (1992). The function of mass media agenda setting. Journalism Quarterly, 69, 902-920.

Tichenor, P.J., Donohue, G.A. and Olien, C.N. (1970). Mass media flow and differential growth in knowledge. Public Opinion Quarterly, 34, 159-170.


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