STS-Summer I

Friday, June 23, 2006

Steven Hawking

Living on another planet without any reliance from the Earth seems very far fetched. The complexity of creating a sustainable atmosphere alone seems as though it would be impossible to achieve, not to forget all the other factors necessary for survival. Despite my pessimistic views of the posibility of living on another world, I can not completely deny the possibility of it occuring. There are many things that we have today that people even a hundred years ago would never have imagined us to have today. For me to say living else were would be impossible would be ignorant of me. It is possible, but as Hawking said " if humans can avoid killing themselves in 100 years, they should have space settlements that can continue without support from Earth". until the technology is created to relocate ourselves, we first we have to survive on this world. I could not imagine what it would be like to be one of the pioneers of this venture.


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