STS-Summer I

Friday, June 23, 2006

Resoponse to a Modest Proposal

To take Swift's idea a bit further, purhaps Dublin should not only eat the flesh of infants to keep the population numbers down, but also the flesh of those who misbehave. Instead of imprisioning people, the government should threaten as punishment of breaking the law for criminals to be killed and sold for their meat and flesh. This would keep crime levels down, and would also weed out all of the bad blood in the community. People would be more cooperative with work and following commands, which would mean the society would be more productive yeilding more profit. I wonder why Swift did not include this into his proposal. Yes, the meat of those who were older and commited crimes would not be as tender as the infants, but it would still sell as meat. And those who could not afford the delicacy of young flesh would be more likely be able to purchase the meat of the criminals. Everyone could participate in the consumption of these unwanted souls. With this new plan of action, Dublin could possibily be one of the wealthiest and well behaved cities yet.


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