STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dr. Strangelove

"Duck and Cover." The old "teaching tool" that was taught to our parents when they were childredn that said that if they hit under their wooden desks or just ducked and covered their heads in the event of an atomic explosion that they would be just fine. Yeah, because that worked so well for the people living in ancient Pompei.

Dr. Strangelove is a great movie but is mixed with a few confusing things, which is one of the reasons why the movie is great. The idea of "bodily fluids" is funny, not only because it's an insane general talking about flouride in the water among other things, but is humerous because it comes out of nowhere and shows what idiocy and madmen were/are running the nuclear weapons program.

Peter Sellers' use of three of the main characters also goes to show the amount of skill and humor that the man had at the time. Dr. Strangelove himself was a character I wanted to see more of, and the way the movie ended made you want to see more.

My question at the end, with the ending of all the nuclear detonations, was: "Did the doomsday device go off or not?" Saddly, I dont think we will ever know.


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