STS-Summer I

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


The lastest question placed before us for class is to discribe a misunderstood issue that is important to the public. I know that the simply fact of my oldest daughter is misunderstood by so many people. She is under 4 foot tall, 39 pounds and uses a wheelchair. She is extemely kind, intelligent, and energetic. The things people don't understand is her diagnosis, Spina Bifida. I feel that in the upstate that this is such an important birth defect to understand since this area is one of the top 5 highest occuring spots for this birth defect. Withi a five mile radius from my house, I can find at least 5 children that I know who have spina bifida. The fact that no one knows much about if just causes more children to be born with it. The research is out there, taking folic acid will reduce your chance significantly if taken before getting pregnant. So many people don't seem to understand that by encouraging their children to take a multivitiam when young might help them to as they grow up. You know, forming good habits. These good habits could help prevent them from having a child with a birth defect such as spina bifida.

Please understand inme saying this, I in no way am sorry for who or how my daughter is, but do even now at the age of 10 teach her the importance of vitimins for her future. My daughter has changed my life for the better and I feel will help so many people with her attitude that the world is great but she herself was in tears when she knew each of her siblings were fine. She understands and I hope that one day others will begin to understand so we can begin to eliminate a birth defect or at least minimize the occurances of it.


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