STS-Summer I

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I believe that the issue of stem cell research is a bit misunderstood. Many are told on the news and by their church leaders that the only way to get these cells is from the remains of aborted fetuses. I have this funny feel that this is not entirely true. I get this feeling because they same news cast that I hear all of the complaints in, you hear a very quickly spoken line of "stem cells are also found in adults..." and then they move on to more about aborted fetuses. While I do NOT agree with the use of fetuses in this way, I AM for stem cell research. Christopher Reeve was the best example of a true Superman and stem cell research may have saved his life if Congress hadnt shut it down. The ends in this case do justify the means as long as the research is done ethically and in the correct moral context.


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