STS-Summer I

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Word from Paster Dan

The central theme of this chapter to me seems to be "what kind of God created the Earth?"

Well, I am not a super religious person, but i seem to recall God not being a very nice person in the Old Testament section of the Bible. He was always destroying cities, saving lives and then closing the sea on the fleeing Jews, and always ordering people to kill their own sons to prove their deviotion to Him. The parts of the Old Testament that people remeber are pretty bloody.

The New Testament is a little different. Not much is done by God Himself, but he did send his Son to save humanity from their sins, because God loves us. Other than that, God really isnt mentioned. The New Testament is the "Jesus Channel," all Son of God - all the time. God seems to be a little more relaxed in the New Testament too.

Now, as far as the argument of Intelligent Design and Darwin's Theory of Evolution. I dont care which you believe. Please STOP trying to push your beliefs on me! That's why they are your belifs, because they are not mine! Do I believe that God, whatever He may be, create the Universe? Oh Yeah, you bet your barnacles! Do I believe that He created Adam and Eve and that was it? The fact that animals such as dinosaurs were here before man kinda ruined that theory for me. Do I believe that God had a hand to play in our evolution? I dont know, but if I die and go to the "happy place," I'll be sure to ask him.


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